Glossary of Herbal Terminology

No. Terms Definition
1. Calmative
These herbs are soothing and have sedative properties.
2. Cardiac Stimulant
Prescribed by herbalists for patients with weak hearts - these herbs promote circulation.
3. Cardiac Tonic
A substance that strengthens or regulates heart metabolism without overt stimulation or depression. It may increase coronary blood supply, normalize coronary enervation, relax peripheral arteries (thereby decreasing back-pressure on the valves), or decrease adrenergic stimulation. Examples: magnesium, Crataegus, Selenicereus.
4. Carminative
These herbs help normal peristalsis and thus assist in preventing gas from forming in the intestines. They also help in expelling gas. Carminatives increase absorption of nutrients, they dispel water and mucus, relieving spasms and pain. Weak digestion from anxiety, nervousness or depression is improved. Examples are chamomile, chrysanthemum, coriander, fennel, lime, peppermint, and spearmint, ajwan, basil, calamus, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, and turmeric.
5. Cathartic
Causes evacuation of the bowels. A cathartic may be either mild (laxative) or vigorous (purgative).Examples are figs, prunes, olive oil (laxatives), senna, castor oil and aloe vera.
6. Cholagogue / Cholagogic / Choleretic
These herbs that stimulate the flow of bile from gall bladder.Examples are arka, guduchi, licorice, safflower, senna and sesame.
7. Condiment
Improves the flavour of food and drinks
3. Cordial
A stimulating medicine or drink